Monday, 23 September 2013

Test if your antivirus is working properly or not?

We all purchase or download different antivirus softwares from internet.But most times we probably have the doubt whether it is working properly or not.We can conclude,the antivirus software is working properly if it finds some virus in our computer.

But testing antivirus with some real virus in our computers will damage our computer.It is similar to setting fire to some things in your office and checking whether smoke alarm is working or not.

But is there any test that tests the proper working of antivirus??

EICAR STANDARD ANTIVIRUS TEST is the basic test that checks if the antivirus is working properly or not.Every antivirus vendor tests their product with EICAR test file before releasing the product into the market.The file is a legitimate DOS program, and produces sensible results when run (it prints the message "EICAR-STANDARD-ANTIVIRUS-TEST-FILE!").

Performing test:

open notepad and copy the following text and save the file with any extension like .txt , .com , .exe.
If the antivirus program in your computer catches the file immediately,then you software is working properly.Otherwise you should definitely change your antivirus program.

The file is not dangerous and it doesn't do any harm to your computer.
 Thank You :)

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