Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Creating Guest account in GoogleChrome

Usually a lot of people like family members,friends will be using our computers and they will also be using the browsers.Usually people choose a Google account to sync their Data,Bookmarks and we don't want our family members or friends data to be synced to our accounts.

So,we can add guest accounts in Google Chrome and can create a separate user and have their data and bookmarks synced with their accounts.Doing so,we eliminate omnibox suggestions and history to the users of computer.Also there is no need to logoff and go to guest account in our computer.

Creating Guest account/adding new users:

  1. Goto settings.
  2. Locate Users.

  3. click on the Add new user button.

  4. Choose a name and picture to the guest account and click on create and a desktop shortcut to new user will be added automatically.

    ThankYou :)

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