Sunday, 29 September 2013

Send self-destructing messages or notes

Have you ever wanted to send confidential information at your office,or to your family members but were afraid of some people like hackers tracing them out?

We all might have seen the concept of self destructing messages in the movie Mission Impossible.But have you ever think of sending self destructing messages that gets destroyed automatically after reading.There will be no piece of evidence that someone sent a particular message saying particular thing.


Yes,there is a service that lets you send self destructing messages.

Privnote  is a free web based service that allows you to send secret messages over internet.Also it does not require any registration,password at all.

Privnote : Self Destructing Message

Just write your note and you will get a link containing that message.Just copy that link and paste it into email or  chat.Whenever the person see the note in their browser the note will automatically gets destructed.Which means that link is inaccessible again or won't be working anymore.If the link is not accessed for 30 days,the message will be automatically destroyed considering it as read.

Also there is an option of being notified if the other party has read your note by giving your email and a reference for the note.

Thank You :)

Saturday, 28 September 2013

Useful shortcuts for Desktop and Browser

Operating a computer using shortcuts saves you a lot of time.They are also very useful when you don't have a mouse to operate.
Operating a computer using shortcuts gives people happiness and feeling of geek.
Here are some useful shortcuts that are useful to people in their daily life of browsing and operating computer.


Start Menu    :  Windows Logo    (or)   Ctrl + ESC

My computer : Windows Logo + E

New Folder   :  Ctrl + Shift + N

Switching Through Applications : Alt + Tab

Switching Through Applications without always hitting alt + Tab  :  Ctrl + Alt + Tab

Switch through open applicatons : Alt + tab (or)  Windows Logo +Tab (aero effect in windows7)

Switching through applications in aero mode : Ctrl + Windows Logo +Tab  & use mouse to scroll.

Switch focus between applications  : Alt + ESC

Run                : Windows Logo +R

Desktop         : Windows Logo + D

Minimize all windows : Windows Logo + M

Restore all minimized windows : Windows Logo + Shift + M

Flip window to left / Right : Windows Logo + Left arrow/Right arrow 

Lock Screen  : Windows Logo + L

System Properties :  Windows Logo +Pause

Adding different Monitors : Windows Logo + P

Close a window : Alt + F4  (or)   Ctrl + W

Full Screen   :  F11

Task Manager  :  Ctrl + Alt + Del   (or)   Ctrl + Shift + ESC

Minimize window  :  Alt + Spacebar & then N

Close window :  Alt + Spacebar & then C

Restore window : Alt + Spacebar & then R

Copy,Cut,Paste : Ctrl + C,X,V

Rename File / Folder : F2


New Tab  : Ctrl + T

Go to address bar  :  Ctrl + L  (or)   Alt + D  (or) F6

Switch between tabs  :  Ctrl + Tab / Ctrl + Shift + Tab

Go to nth tab  :  Ctrl + 1,2,3,...9

Search for keyword  :  Ctrl + F / F3

Downloads  :  Ctrl + J

History  : Ctrl + H

Clear History Page  : Ctrl + Shift + Del

View Original size of page  :  Ctrl + 0(zero)

Zoom in or out web page  :  Ctrl + '+'  Ctrl + '-'

Bookmark a web page : Ctrl + D

Directly go to GOOGLE.COM  :

Refresh Page  :  F5 (or) Ctrl + R

Go back / forward  :  Alt + Left / Right arrow

Open a file in your computer : Ctrl + O

Browse one page down/up  :  Spacebar / Shift + Spacebar

Developer Tools  :  F12

Open Source code  :  Ctrl + U



Thank You :)

Monday, 23 September 2013

Test if your antivirus is working properly or not?

We all purchase or download different antivirus softwares from internet.But most times we probably have the doubt whether it is working properly or not.We can conclude,the antivirus software is working properly if it finds some virus in our computer.

But testing antivirus with some real virus in our computers will damage our computer.It is similar to setting fire to some things in your office and checking whether smoke alarm is working or not.

But is there any test that tests the proper working of antivirus??

EICAR STANDARD ANTIVIRUS TEST is the basic test that checks if the antivirus is working properly or not.Every antivirus vendor tests their product with EICAR test file before releasing the product into the market.The file is a legitimate DOS program, and produces sensible results when run (it prints the message "EICAR-STANDARD-ANTIVIRUS-TEST-FILE!").

Performing test:

open notepad and copy the following text and save the file with any extension like .txt , .com , .exe.
If the antivirus program in your computer catches the file immediately,then you software is working properly.Otherwise you should definitely change your antivirus program.

The file is not dangerous and it doesn't do any harm to your computer.
 Thank You :)

Understanding ATTRIB Command in cmd ( windows)

Attrib command can be used to assign or remove permissions to files or drives in our computers.

We have previously seen this command in retrieving files hidden by virus by making them into shortcuts.

The command we used there is attrib /s /d -r -a -s -h *

Understanding attrib:

To add permission we can use + symbol.
To remove permission we can use -  symbol.

H- Hidden

/S -> Process matching files in current folder and sub folder.
/D ->Process the folders.

* ->Refers to all files and folders in a directory.

You could also find the help page for attrib command from the command prompt:

Thank You :)

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Download Adobe Photoshop CS3 Portable : No installation,No key required

Adobe Photoshop is one of the best software to make and edit photo's.Photoshop delivers a comprehensive package of professional retouching tools, and is packed with powerful editing features.

Interesting Things about Photoshop

  • It is written in C++ Language.
  • Photoshop Images are stored with .PSD Extension.It has a maximum limit of 30,000 pixels of height and width & Length limit of 3GigaBytes(GB).
  • Photoshop Images are also stored with .PSB Extension supporting 3,00,000 pixels of height and width & Length limit of 4ExaBytes.

Know Features of Adobe Photoshop CS3

Free Download of Adobe Photoshop CS3 : No key and no installation required

Learn Photoshop tips from Official Adobe Website

Thank You :)

Mozilla : New Feature:Security Tab in the Web Console

The Web Console, part of the Firefox Developer Tools, shows errors and warnings filtered into different categories.Web developers need better tools to help them debug security issues.Also Security is not a part of web developers education.

So,Mozilla took an initiative for providing the developers with a new tab called SECURITY in it's web console.

Right Click on any web page and click on  Inspect Element and one can go to console tab over there.
The security tab will look as shown below.It is marked with red to indicate the web developers that there is a Security Vulnerability to your site.

Firefox Console Security Tab
Different Buttons in Web Console

Some of the Goals fulfilled are:
  1. Warn developers about altered site behavior that is due to a security feature (for example, resource loads blocked by the Mixed Content Blocker or the Same Origin Policy).
  2. Warn developers about mistakes made in implementing security features (for example, using deprecated CSP headers, or mistyping an HSTS header).
  3. Warn developers about common security risks (for example, putting password fields on insecure pages).
Below are example Screenshots of some of the security messages and they are currently available on Firefox Nightly Only and  they will be made available to next stable releases.

Warning for detected password field on an insecure page.

Warnings for loading mixed content

Download Firefox for Desktop

Download Firefox for Android Mobile

Download Firefox Beta

Thank You :)

Saturday, 21 September 2013

Removing Internet Explorer from your computer

Internet Explorer is the default browser that everyone gets when someone installs Windows Operating Systems.But due to lot of reasons we may not be using the Internet Explorer after obtaining a good browser.

It is being used only in one way for installing the additional software like search toolbars that come packed with some software during their installation.

But many people don't know that they can Uninstall Internet Explorer.It is actually not uninstalling,instead we are going to hide internet explorer.

Hiding Internet Explorer:

Go to Start
Type turn windows features on or off and hit enter
you can see a window similar to following one

Unmark Internet Explorer 9 and then click ok.

The computer need to be restarted to see the changes.

During restart you may see the screen like this.

After you boot into your computer you can see that Internet Explorer is nowhere seen.

Similar way one can hide the games that comes default with the Operating System by unmarking Games.

Thank You :)