Thursday, 6 August 2015

Get ScreenShot of entire webpage whatever is the length through Firefox browser

We often come across situations where we wanted to take screenshot of entire webpage so that we can keep it for future reference. Also we may not know when the website will be down or the article you liked may get removed after some days.

So we may preserve the webpage in the form of image or for any other purpose. Also Images occupy less space than printing the webpage and saving them as PDF.

Always we may not find the solution of how to take screenshot of entire webpage and we might end up scrolling up to different parts of webpage, take screenshot of them keep all images in a folder or we might end up attaching each webpage at the end of another.

Firefox Browser has come up with option of command line tools that lets developers do many tasks. One of which lets the developers or anyone take screenshot of the entire webpage into a .png image

Open Developer Command line tools by pressing Shift + F2 in Firefox Browser.

Type screenshot --fullpage and hit enter your full length webpage screenshot is ready. Ready Steady Go on saving your favorite webpages without headache. :)

Download Firefox Browser

I have saved all my blog articles containing 43 posts into just 6 images. You can find them here. You can view those images by opening them normally in your webbrowser or a photo viewer.

If you have any suggestions, please comment below the post. You can suggest me any new softwares you know of for making this and I appreciate it :)

Thanks :) Share the article if you like it :)

Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Manage multiple windows opened in Explorer or Finder easily

Often when you're working on a project at your office or programming your own project, you will be going to open multiple windows related to your projects, or music, videos, movies, downloads etc..

Often you may have to open command prompt by going down to long paths in explorer so you end up creating shortcuts for them on your desktop creating too much clutter.

CLOVER is the software which acts as an extension to the default windows explorer by giving it the ability to open New Folders as New Tabs.

You can also bookmark any folder you want by simply pressing CTRL + D like you do in Google Chrome.

Double Click any tab to close the tab and scroll the mouse at the tab to switch between tabs easily like you do in Linux.

Right Click and open in new window opens the Folder you want in a new tab.

Ctrl + Shift + B shows or hides the bookmarks bar in explorer like Google Chrome.

One Plus two Quick Grab without Invite
If you are on Mac and want tabs like feature to Finder, XtraFinder is the one which adds features same like Windows Explorer and there are more additional features.

So from now on, you can happily do Multi-Tasking.

Thanks :) Share it if you like it :)