Thursday, 9 July 2015

Download 3D, 4K and 1080p resolution Videos and PlayLists with subtitles from YouTube easily

Hi, In one of my previous blog posts I have shown how to download videos from YouTube without any softwares or plugins.

But that method has a limitation of downloading 200MB videos or upto 720p video resolution only.
So far, there is no method to download HD 1080p videos online and also for playlists you have to click download button for each video.


Have you ever wished to watch HD Videos in your HD TV and found them on YouTube or Some other websites but found it difficult to download them and watch on your HD TV or iPad?

Ever wanted to download a complete playlist of songs of your favorite music director and found it difficult to download them?

Now to fulfill the requirements of people where 4K Videos are trending on YouTube and to watch HD Videos on 4K resolution, a software called 4K Video Downloader has come to assist us in downloading them from YouTube.

4K Video downloader features : 
  • The best part is that you can download videos along with subtitles from YouTube.
  • Download entire playlists and channels from YouTube and save them in MP4, MKV, M4A, MP3, FLV, 3G, generate .m3u file for playlists.
  • Download video in HD 1080pHD 720p or 4K quality and enjoy high dimension video on your HD TV, iPad or other devices.
  • Advanced subtitles download, select if you would like to have .srt file or embedd subtitles in video file to watch it on your Mac for example.
  • Activate “Smart Mode” in order to apply the selected settings to all your downloads, easy and fast.
  • Download video in 3D format, you will find a small special icon among available formats after video parsing. It’s really impressive to watch live shows and cartoons in 3D.
  • Download embedded YouTube videos from any web pages, just copy/paste link and the program will find the source of download.
  • Download video and audio from VimeoSoundCloudFlickrFacebook and DailyMotion.
  • Use 4K Video Downloader on your PCMac or Linux, doesn’t matter what OS you prefer.

The software is completely FREE to use and it contains no malware adware and no toolbars.
This software is better than Internet Download Manager.

Thanks :)
Happy Downloading :)

Saturday, 27 June 2015

Easter egg in Chrome for Android and iPhone and Firefox for Android

Do you know that chrome browser has lot of easter eggs like playing game with dragon when you are offline or unable to connect to internet?

The new easter egg found is that whenever you open 100 tabs in chrome for Android or iPhone, it will display a smiley in place of no of tabs opened.

Below are the screenshots when 100 tabs were opened in Chrome for Android

When 100 tabs are opened in Chrome for iPhone

When 100 tabs are opened in Firefox for Android it shows Infinite symbol

Thanks for reading the post please share it if you like it :)

Thanks :)

Friday, 26 June 2015

Downloading videos from Lynda or Udemy or YouTube for free

Hi all..

Many of us want to learn things online and most of us prefer to watch them on YouTube.
But there are very good online learning site like Udemy and Lynda where in things are in very organized manner and even they provide you certificate of completion.

Most people want to have a copy of videos on their local PC as they are paying for the subscription, but there is no official way to download them

To download the videos just follow the steps I mention below and these work in Google Chrome browser.

First of all You have to buffer the video completely which you want to download using google chrome browser. No need to watch the entire video but the entire video have to be buffered.
Then go to the path mentioned below in your computer.

C:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cache

replace YOUR_USER_NAME with the one in your computer.

Now you can see a lot files with some random name.

In the filters at the top, select the Date Modified as today from the drop down and Size as Large or Huge depending on the size of video.

Open the file with large size with VLC Media Player or change the file extension to .flv

Do NOT open files starting with Data.

I am attaching a .gif image of how to do the above steps :)

Happy downloading of tutorials.. :)

Share the post if it is useful for you :)

Upvote my Quora post for the same :)

Thanks.. :)

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Open Command Prompt in any folder in windows

We all know that Command Prompt is essential in performing many tasks in our day to day life.For example we have seen previously that to retrieve hidden files from USB Drives,we are using command prompt and also for removing write protection in USB Drives and also for hiding text in notepad.

But every time opening command prompt through run command (Win + R -> cmd) and navigating to our necessary folder by typing commands like cd for changing directories,md or mkdir for creating directories.Also,if someone is doing project,they want to shift to that directory using command prompt for execution.

Hold shift key and right click the mouse in the folder in which one want to open command prompt,then one can see the option of  open command window here.

You don't need any software or registry edits to perform this task.

Another way to open COMMAND PROMPT is to Go to address bar in any folder and type CMD and hit enter. You are done, Command prompt opens there.

This way one can save time in typing the commands or it will be helpful to those who are not familiar with cmd commands. You can also look like computer geek by using keyboard and working fastly with keyboard shortcuts.

Have your work completed faster.... :)

ThankYou :)

Friday, 28 February 2014

Useful Notepad Tricks

Know System time using notepad :

Many of us use notepad to write programs or write some to-do lists. Some people hide their taskbars in order to reduce the distraction.We might want to know the current time as we have been coding from a long time.Also suppose we dont want to move our hands from the keyboard or we operate the computer using shortcuts or keyboard only.

You need not worry about moving your mouse upto taskbar and let it pop up. You can simply press FunctionKey (F5) while you are in notepad to know the system time.

Hide text in notepad :

Sometimes we may want to send some confidential data to our friends.Previously we have seen a post how to send it using privnote.

But sometimes we want to send some important matter and we prefer sending it through notepad.But others can easily see it by just opening it.

Here is a method by which you can hide the contents of notepad.

  • Open command prompt (Win + R -> cmd)
  • Go to your select directory
  • type notepad filename.txt: hidden
  • Save the file
There should be no space between filename.txt and :
Now open the file and you can see that the content is hidden and also the properties show the file size as 0 Bytes

To open the file,follow the same steps by going to command prompt.

ThankYou :)

Thursday, 27 February 2014

Remove Write Protection from USB Drives

Sometimes it becomes difficult to send data into our USB Drives or completely unable to send data into USB Drives because it keeps saying that "The Disk is Write protected" Please use another disk or remove write protection.

Follow these simple steps to remove write protection and restore the device to its normal position.

  1. Open Command prompt (Win + R -> cmd)
  2. type diskpart and hit enter.
  3. It asks for permission to run as administrator -> press OK
  4. Now type list disk.It shows available disks.
  5. Now select your USB drive by this command. select disk # (# = no of your USB Drive)
  6. now enter the command attributes disk clear readonly

cmd diskpart

diskpart window

Happy data transfer to your USB drives.... :)

ThankYou :)

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Send Files or Messages to any computer in a network

Many of us have computers with us and also with our friends.Most of us share music,movies,photos from tour with each other.

Each time we are going to copy them to a USB Drive and give it to other people for them to copy even if they are adjacent to us.But some times they get affected by virus and gets converted into shortcuts.We have already discussed how to retrieve files from USB drive with shortcuts.

But each time copying them to USB Drive and giving to other person takes lot of time.Instead we can share the files to a particular computer in a network with a single click.

IP Messenger is a software that lets you share files in a network with very high speed as similar to USB Drives.It has a very simple interface and best performance.

Click on reply to give reply message

 Suppose you and your friends are on your college wifi,you can send the files to your friends wherever they are.Even this software lets you send messages to chat with people on your network.The messages will be directly delivered to the computer.

Suppose you are on you Home Wifi connection then also you can share the files or send messages.

  • Highlight a computer name and type text and lick on send to send message to computer
  • Click on screen icon at left bottom to capture screen area and send it to another computer
  • Click on dropdown button below refresh button to get options for file transfer
  • It also has the capability to directly send prtscn (Print Screen) screenshots by directly pasting screenshot in text area
Both the parties need to have the software to send the messages or file transfer.

The software size is very less around 592KB.

NOTE : Press Refresh button for every transfer of file (before sending) to avoid Sending Failed message.

Happy File Sharing....!

ThankYou :)

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